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Research Report

Performance of Summer Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) under Protected Conditions in Terai Region of Uttrakhand  

B.K.  Pandey , S.K.  Maurya , La Lalit  Bhatt , Pooja  , D.S.  Chauhan
Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, GBPUAT, Pantnagar 263 145 (U.S. Nagar), Uttarakhand, India
Author    Correspondence author
Field Crop, 2018, Vol. 1, No. 2   doi: 10.5376/fc.2018.01.0002
Received: 08 Jun., 2018    Accepted: 02 Jul., 2018    Published: 20 Jul., 2018
© 2018 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Pandey B.K., Maurya S.K., Bhatt L.L., Pooja, and Chauhan D.S., 2018, Performance of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) under protected conditions in Terai Region of Uttrakhand, Field Crop, 1(2): 2-5 (doi: 10.5376/fc.2018.01.0002)


An experiment was conducted in factorial randomized block design with three replications involving ten varieties of summer squash at the Vegetable Research Centre, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand during rabi season of 2016-17. All varieties showed a wide range of variation for most of the characters studied under investigation. The varieties namely Cora (1033 q), Sunny House (882 q) and Catherina (828 q) performed best, however, Long Green was the least yielder genotype with 150 q/ha under polyhouse. In open growing condition, the genotypes Champion (517 q), Cheongma Zucchini (478 q), and Sunny House (399 q) were the top performers and superior than the check variety Cora (263 q), however, ASV-3098 was the least yielder genotype with 118 q/ha fruit yield. The high fruit yield recorded with the genotypes has been directly attributed to increased number of fruits per plant. The economic analysis of summer squash was carried out for three months and the best benefit cost ratio obtained was 2.89 in Champion under open growing condition with plastic mulch and 2.03 in Cora under naturally ventilated polyhouse. Therefore, we recommend such varieties that can be grown for off-season cultivation at the farmer’s field in terai region of Uttarakhand.

Squash; Rabi season; Vegetables; Zucchini
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. B.K.  Pandey
. S.K.  Maurya
. La Lalit  Bhatt
. Pooja 
. D.S.  Chauhan
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