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Research Article

Exploring Efficient Callusing and Rapid Regeneration System in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.)  

Swapan Kumar Tripathy , Manasmita Maharana , Sucharita Panda , Bandita Sahoo , Divya Bharati Sahoo , Suraj K. Behera , Bhaskar Chakma
Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, India
Author    Correspondence author
Rice Genomics and Genetics, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 2   doi: 10.5376/rgg.2018.09.0002
Received: 27 Feb., 2018    Accepted: 22 Mar., 2018    Published: 19 Jun., 2018
© 2018 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Tripathy S.K., Maharana M., Panda S., Sahoo B., Sahoo D.B., Behera S.K., and Chakma B., 2018, Exploring efficient callusing and rapid regeneration system in upland rice (Oryza sativa L.), Rice Genomics and Genetics, 9(2): 7-14 (doi: 10.5376/rgg.2018.09.0002)


An efficient callusing and rapid regeneration system is all time needed for successful genetic transformation in rice. Therefore, mature healthy dehulled kernels of a popular upland rice variety Khandagiri was used for in vitro culture using four callus induction media and various hormone recipes singly or in combination. MS medium was equivalent to LS medium for callusing response while, BM and B5 media had shown delayed and poor callusing response without inducing somatic embryos. MS with 2.5mg/l 2, 4-D + 0.5mg/l Kn induced fast growing creamy, embryogenic and nodular calli with minimum necrosis. MS with 2.0mg/l BAP + 0.5mg/l NAA revealed excellent somatic embryogenic regeneration response with on an average 8.8 shoots per responsive callus as compared to any other combinations of BAP/Kn with NAA. The regenerated shoots were rooted on MS medium with NAA(1.0mg/l) + BAP (0.2mg/l) with highest rhizogenetic response within a week. The present reproducible in vitro culture system is amenable for rapid plantlet regeneration in upland rice.

In vitro culture; Efficient callusing; Rapid regeneration; Upland rice
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. Swapan Tripathy
. Manasmita Maharana
. Sucharita Panda
. Bandita Sahoo
. Divya Bharati Sahoo
. Suraj K. Behera
. Bhaskar Chakma
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. In vitro culture
. Efficient callusing
. Rapid regeneration
. Upland rice
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