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Rice Genomics and Genetics (ISSN 1925-2021) is an open access, online journal, provides state-of-the-art coverage in all areas of theoretical and applied rice genomics and genetics. Published content is of the highest quality and includes original research papers, opinion papers and reviews. Rice Genomics and Genetics is committed to making an on-going and significant contribution to the advancement of rice genomics and genetics. This journal is published by EcoEvoPublisher.

1 Aims and Scope

Rice Genomics and Genetics covers significant developments in the field of genomics as they apply to rice genetics and the rice genome, including classical genetics analysis, trait-controlling genes isolation and identification, genomic technology, genome structure and function, genetic modification, rice variation, rice evolution, rice gene expression regulation and its functional analysis, the development of transgenic rice, as well as rice varietal improvement and its application in rice production.

The journal is ideally suited for rice breeders, geneticist, molecular biologists, teachers and students who need reliable and accurate coverage of classical genetic approaches, molecular biological approaches, and young disciplines such as functional genomics, and readers interested in rice genomics and rice genetics.

2 Publication mode

We are following the Open Access publishing model. All papers published in this journal are licensed to all users under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any media, provided the original work is properly cited (see EcoEvoPublisher Open Access Policy).

Manuscripts must be submitted by EcoEvoPublisher online Manuscripts Handling System. For details please see Instructions for authors.

3 Criteria for publication

Similarity check

All submissions must be subjected to CrossCheck service. Only those with no similarity when compared in the CrossCheck database can be proceeded for peer review. This practice is solely for the purpose of submission's language arts and does not imply any plagiarism or forging existed.


Scientists in the world are invited to be as peer reviewer in this journal. All submission will be automatically transferred online to the reviewers by online manuscript handling system in the EcoEvoPublisher prior to CrossCheck service.

Online publication

There are much more advantages for online publishing, including:
** Peer review quickly and professionally
** Anti-Plagiarism by CrossCheck
** Publish online immediately upon acceptance
** Deposit permanently and track easily
** Open Access under the terms of CCAL
** Disseminate multilingual available

Publication Period

Rice Genomics and Genetics promises to offer much faster publication schedules. Normally it takes two or four weeks depend on the speed of peer review. Using the recommended manuscript preparation formats will largely speed up the paper procedures and shorten the periods. Research articles will be published electronically in provisional PDF immediately upon acceptance. A fully HTML web version and PDF download version will be available within four weeks after acceptance.

4 Indexing and archiving

All articles published in Rice Genomics and Genetics will be deposited in CrossRef with the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) identity. For details please see Instructions for Submission.

5 Article-processing charge (APC)
Article-processing charge for all EcoEvoPublisher journals is uniform. EcoEvoPublisher's standard article-processing charge is Canadian dollar 1200 CAD (US dollar $1200), which has no any tax fee included. For authors from the Canada, their article processing charges levied by EcoEvoPublisher contain 12% of HST tax fee, and this tax fee will be listed solely upon invoice. For authors other than from the Canada, their article processing charges are exclusive of any tax fees.

Payment for APC in this journal should be made out to Sophia Publishing Group Inc. Payment procedure will be informed upon submission acceptance.

Authors from low-income countries and areas can apply the discount for APC upon submission, and if the authors are qualified to be waived they don't necessarily pay the APC. This policy shall be decided by the board of directors of EcoEvoPublisher.

6 Preferred citation

Articles in this journal should be recommended to follow regular citation rules. There is an exception for unique article series and DOI instead of the page number.


The Preferred citation:
Authors' name, Publishing year, Article title, Journal name, Volume, Article number and DOI