Rice Genomics and Genetics, 2011, Vol. 2, No. 2 doi: 10.5376/rgg.2011.02.0002
Received: 13 Sep., 2011 Accepted: 20 Oct., 2011 Published: 29 Nov., 2011
Chen et al., 2011, Genetic and Expression Analyses of a Male Sterile Gene MGA1(t) in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Fenzi Zhiwu Yuzhong (Molecular Plant Breeding), 9(6): 656-664 (doi: 10.3969/mpb.009.000656)
A male gamete sterile mutant (tentatively named Male gametophyte abortion1, mga1(t)) was obtained by abnormality screening of transgenic rice materials in this study. The ratio of marker gene segregation was 1:1 by χ2-test and the pollen grains of the mutant were half sterile. The phenotype of pollen abortion was found co-segregating with T-DNA insertion in mga1(t) mutant, and T-DNA passed only through the female gamete. Southern blot analysis indicated that T-DNA inserted into the genome of the mutant was single copy. Flanking sequence analysis showed that T-DNA was inserted into the 5' untranslated region of a Bax inhibitor (BI)-1 like family protein gene in rice chromosome 3. BI-1 like protein gene was predicted to be involved in programmed cell death. RT-PCR expression analyses revealed that MGA1(t) gene expressed during the whole growth and development stages of rice, and had a strong expression pattern in the spikelets with the length about 0~7 mm. These results indicated that MGA1(t) gene was a male-preferential expressed gene.
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. Rui Chen

. Qingxian Li

. Fake Yu

. Shaohua Yang

. Huaqing Liu

. Shufen Zhou

. Feng Wang

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. Rice


. Male gamete

. Sterile

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