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Research Report

Effects of Density and Nitrogen Fertilizer on The Yield, Agronomic Traits and Photosynthetic Characteristics of ‘Yundamai 12’  

Zhilong Wang , Yaxiong Yu , Xiangmei Qiao , Zhiwei Wang , Jiasheng  Cheng , Geng Cheng , Jinhua Yang
Food Crops Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming, 650205, China
Author    Correspondence author
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 4   doi: 10.5376/tgg.2022.13.0004
Received: 16 Jun., 2022    Accepted: 22 Jun., 2022    Published: 29 Jun., 2022
© 2022 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This article was first published in Molecular Plant Breeding in Chinese, and here was authorized to translate and publish the paper in English under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Wang Z.L., Yu Y.X., Qiao X.M., Wang Z.W, Cheng J.S., Cheng G., and Yang J.H., 2022, Effects of density and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield, agronomic traits and photosynthetic characteristics of ‘Yundamai 12’, Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 13(4): 1-6 (doi: 10.5376/tgg.2022.13.0004)


In order to understand the optimal planting density and nitrogen fertilizer application amount of barley variety ‘Yundamai 12’, a two-factor randomized block experiment was designed to explore the effects of density, nitrogen fertilizer and their interactions on the yield, agronomic traits and photosynthetic parameters of ‘Yundamai 12’. The results showed that different densities had no significant effect on yield, but no effect on a single plant tiller. There were no significant effects of density and nitrogen application rates on four photosynthetic parameters and chlorophyll content. Dense nitrogen interaction did not affect yield, agronomic traits, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration rate and chlorophyll significantly were not significant, but only had a significant effect on the net photosynthetic rate; the planting density was 850 000 hm2. The yield reached the maximum when the amount of nitrogen was 112.5 kg/hm2, which was the optimal density and nitrogen fertilizer scheme for ‘Yundamai 12’.

Hulless barley; Dense nitrogen interaction; Yield
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. Zhilong Wang
. Yaxiong Yu
. Xiangmei Qiao
. Zhiwei Wang
. Jiasheng  Cheng
. Geng Cheng
. Jinhua Yang
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. Hulless barley
. Dense nitrogen interaction
. Yield
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