Research Article
The Restoring and Maintaining Characteristic among K-type and F-type Wheat Male Sterile Lines 

Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 1 doi: 10.5376/tgg.2022.13.0001
Received: 14 Apr., 2022 Accepted: 23 Apr., 2022 Published: 19 May, 2022
Qiu Y.L., Xie S.G., Ren W.B., Wang Q., and Yao J.Z., 2022, The restoring and maintaining characteristic among K-type and F-type wheat male sterile lines, Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 13(1): 1-8 (doi: 10.5376/tgg.2022.13.0001)
In order to study the pollen abortive characteristics of male sterile lines of K-type and F-type wheat and to screen their strong restorers lines and maintainers, the I2-KI staining method was used to observe the pollens types of sterile lines in flowering period, and 583 quality wheat varieties (lines) were hybridized with sterile lines to investigate the self-seed set ratio on F1 of combinations. The results show that:(1)the pollen sterility rate of K-type and F-type male sterile lines were as high as 96.97% and 97.73%, respectively. The main types of pollen abortion were stained aborted tape and typical aborted tape. (2) the self-seed set ratio of K-type and F-type sterile lines (domestic) were 4.61% and 1.98%, respectively. (3) 34 self-seed set ratio of F1 (international) were more than 100% and 11 below 20%. (4) ‘Liangxing805’, AQ001, ‘Lin7287’, ‘Jimai22’ were excellent restorer lines to K-type sterile line. ‘Bao8696’, ‘Nongda3291’, ‘Ke1201’, ‘Ji8906069’ could be used as good maintainers for K-type sterile line. ‘Bao8696’, ‘15Zhan24’, ‘Luomai23’, ‘Linyuan801’ were excellent restorer lines to F-type sterile line. ‘15Zhan11’, ‘Wenhang6’, ‘Linyu5’, ‘Fengyou8’ could be used as good maintainers for F-type sterile line. The results showed that both K-type and F-type sterile lines were completely aborted and stable, and they were easy to find good maintainer lines and restorer lines, and the latter had stronger recovery capability.
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. Yuliang Qiu

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. Wenbin Ren

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