Research Report

Construction and Analysis of a Yeast cDNA Library from Medicago truncatula  

Shuwen Li , Di Dong , Yinruizhi Li , Mengdi Wang , Liebao Han , Tiejun Zhang
College of Grassland Science, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China
Author    Correspondence author
Legume Genomics and Genetics, 2022, Vol. 13, No. 1   doi: 10.5376/lgg.2022.13.0001
Received: 29 Dec., 2021    Accepted: 12 Jan., 2022    Published: 17 Jan., 2022
© 2022 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This article was first published in Molecular Plant Breeding in Chinese, and here was authorized to translate and publish the paper in English under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Li S.W., Dong D., Li Y.R.Z., Wang M.D., Han L.B., and Zhang T.J., 2022, Construction and analysis of a yeast cDNA library from Medicago truncatula, Legume Genomics and Genetics, 13(1): 1-7 (doi: 10.5376/lgg.2022.13.0001)


Yeast two-hybrid and one-hybrid technologies are an efficient molecular biology technique for screening protein interactions or protein and DNA interactions, and are an important means for the interaction and regulation of biological macromolecules. In order to obtain a high-capacity Medicago truncatula gene library, it provides a basis for further digging the related genes of Medicago truncatula and improving the quality of Medicago truncatula. In this study, Medicago truncatula from different tissue sources was selected, and different hormone induction or stress treatments were performed on Medicago truncatula, using SMART technology to successfully construct a high-capacity Medicago truncatula yeast hybrid cDNA library. The library quality test results showed that the library titration number was 5×107 CFU/mL, the library capacity was 1.28×107 CFU, and the average insert fragment length was greater than 1 000 bp. All 24 clones were able to amplify bands, and the cDNA fragment recombination rate was 100%. The library has high quality and complete genetic information, which meets the requirements of yeast hybrid screening test, and can be applied to the research of gene expression regulation of Medicago truncatula and the screening test of interaction protein.

Medicago truncatula; Yeast hybridization cDNA library; SMART technology; Different organizational sources
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Legume Genomics and Genetics
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. Shuwen Li
. Di Dong
. Yinruizhi Li
. Mengdi Wang
. Liebao Han
. Tiejun Zhang
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. Medicago truncatula
. Yeast hybridization cDNA library
. SMART technology
. Different organizational sources
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