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Research Article

Heat Tolerance in Lentil under Field Conditions  

Kumar J.1 , Kant R.1 , Kumar S.2 , Basu P.S.3 , Sarker A.4 , Singh N.P.1
1. Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kalyanpur, Kanpur-208024, India
2. Biodiversity and Integrated Gene Management Program, International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), P.O. Box 6299, Rabat-Institute, Rabat, Morocco
3. Division of Basic Sciences, ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kalyanpur, Kanpur-208024, India
4. ICARDA South Asia & China Regional Program, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, New Delhi-110012, India
Author    Correspondence author
Legume Genomics and Genetics, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 1   doi: 10.5376/lgg.2016.07.0001
Received: 23 Nov., 2015    Accepted: 05 Jan., 2016    Published: 23 Mar., 2016
© 2016 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Kumar J., Kant R., Kumar S., Basu P.S., Sarker A., and Singh N.P., 2016, Heat tolerance in lentil under field conditions, Legume Genomics and Genetics, 7(1): 1-11



In present study, a total of 334 lentil accessions were screened for heat tolerance under field conditions in 2011-12 and 160 accessions faced high temperature (>35 ?) during reproductive stage were again screened in 2012-13. Only 37 accessions podded normally and showed pod formation on terminal branch were identified heat tolerant and remaining 59 accessions podded rarely but flowered were identified sensitive to higher temperature. The combined analysis of variance over the years indicated significant genotypic variability for filled and unfilled pods/plant, filled pods on terminal branch and also for 100-seed weight. High heritability was estimated for filled pods/plant (46.3%) and filled pods on terminal branch (58.1%). Based on maximum number of filled pods per plant and on terminal branch along with lower standard error of mean over the years led identification heat tolerant genotypes (FLIP2009-55L, IG2507 and IG4258). These genotypes also showed higher pollen viability against higher temperature indicating the usefulness of above traits for identification of the heat tolerant donors for lentil breeding program.

Filled and unfilled pods; 100-Seed weight; Pollen viability; High temperature; Lentil
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. Kumar J.
. Kant R.
. Kumar S.
. Basu P.S.
. Sarker A.
. Singh N.P.
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. Filled and unfilled pods
. 100-Seed weight
. Pollen viability
. High temperature
. Lentil
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