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Genome-wide Association Analysis Reveals a Novel Pathway Mediated by a Dual-TIR Domain Protein for Pathogen Resistance in Cotton
Published:28 Jun.2023    Source:Genome Biology

By genome-wide association studies of 419 accessions of the upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, we identify ten loci that are associated with resistance against Verticillium wilt. Among these loci, SHZDI1/SHZDP2/AYDP1 from chromosome A10 is located on a fragment introgressed from Gossypium arboreum.

We characterize a large cluster of Toll/interleukin 1 (TIR) nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptors in this fragment. We then identify a dual-TIR domain gene from this cluster, GhRVD1, which triggers an effector-independent cell death and is induced by Verticillium dahliae. We confirm that GhRVD1 is one of the causal gene for SHZDI1.

Allelic variation in the TIR domain attenuates GhRVD1-mediated resistance against Verticillium dahliae. Homodimerization between TIR1-TIR2 mediates rapid immune response, while disruption of its αD- and αE-helices interface eliminates the autoactivity and self-association of TIR1-TIR2. We further demonstrate that GhTIRP1 inhibits the autoactivity and self-association of TIR1-TIR2 by competing for binding to them, thereby preventing the resistance to Verticillium dahliae.