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The Translational Landscape of Bread Wheat during Grain Development Source: The Plant Cell
Published:14 May2023    Source:The Plant Cell

The dynamics of gene expression in crop grains has typically been investigated at the transcriptional level. However, this approach neglects translational regulation, a widespread mechanism that rapidly modulates gene expression to increase the plasticity of organisms. Here, we performed ribosome profiling and polysome profiling to obtain a comprehensive translatome dataset of developing bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) grains. We further investigated the genome-wide translational dynamics during grain development, revealing that the translation of many functional genes is modulated in a stage-specific manner. The unbalanced translation between subgenomes is pervasive, which increases the expression flexibility of allohexaploid wheat. In addition, we uncovered widespread previously unannotated translation events, including upstream open reading frames (uORFs), downstream ORFs (dORFs), and ORFs in long noncoding RNAs, and characterized the temporal expression dynamics of small ORFs. We demonstrated that uORFs act as cis-regulatory elements that can repress or even enhance the translation of mRNAs. Gene translation may be combinatorially modulated by uORFs, dORFs, and microRNAs. In summary, our study presents a translatomic resource that provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of the translational regulation in developing bread wheat grains. This resource will facilitate future crop improvements for optimal yield and quality.