There is an urgent need for agricultural systems to intensify sustainably, increasing crop productivity, farmer livelihoods and soil health while using fewer resources. Crop perennialization, the conversion of especially annual grains to perennial forms, has shown such possibility. Here we report the successful breeding of perennial rice and assess its performance and potential. Domesticated, annual Asian rice (Oryza sativa) was hybridized with its perennial African relative Oryza longistaminata. From a single planting, irrigated perennial rice produced grain for eight consecutive harvests over four years, averaging 6.8 Mg ha−1 harvest−1 versus the 6.7 Mg of replanted annual rice, which required additional labour and seed. Four years of cropping with perennial rice resulted in soils accumulating 0.95 Mg ha–1 yr–1 organic carbon and 0.11 Mg ha−1 yr−1 nitrogen, along with increases in soil pH (0.3–0.4) and plant-available water capacity (7.2 mm).