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Urban Crops can Have Higher Yields than Conventional Farming
Published:13 Sep.2022    Source:American Geophysical Union
Growing in both green and 'gray' spaces in cities, along with the variability of growing methods, means some city crops -- like cucumbers, potatoes and lettuces -- yield at least twice as much as their rural counterparts. That's good news for cities looking to supplement their food supplies and combat inequitable food access.
The new study compiles studies on urban agriculture from 53 countries to find out which crops grow well in cities, what growing methods are most effective, and what spaces can be utilized for growing. The researchers find that urban yields for some crops, like cucumbers, tubers and lettuces, are two to four times higher than conventional farming. Many other urban crops studied are produced at similar or higher rates than in rural settings. Cost efficiency remains an open but important question.