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Fickle Sunshine Slows Down Rubisco and Limits Photosynthetic Productivity of Crops
Published:26 Jan.2022    Source:Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

All of the carbon in our bodies, in food, and in the entire biosphere, results from the assimilation of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis by a single enzyme, known to biologists as Rubisco. Not surprisingly, given its importance, this protein is the most abundant in the world. Researchers from Lancaster University are working to improve the sustainable productivity of key crops in sub-Saharan Africa have discovered a new imperfection in the way Rubisco functions in cowpea and believe this imperfection is likely shared with other crops.

"Rubisco plays a central role in photosynthesis and frequently limits carbon assimilation in crop plants," said Elizabete Carmo-Silva, professor of crop physiology at Lancaster. "Leaves adjust the activity of Rubisco to the abundance of solar energy. However, we found that this adjustment is imperfect, and frequently there is a mismatch between how active Rubisco is and how much solar energy is available for photosynthesis."