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Molecular Plant Breeding indexed by CABI
Published:06 Dec.2011    Source:BioPublisher, Sophia Publishing Group

According to the CABI internal selection criteria of potentially yield, scientific value and geographic origin and judged the content to be both novel and important for indexing coverage within CAB Abstracts database. Molecular Plant Breeding (ISSN: 1923-8266) will be planned to begin indexing coverage by CABI from this year.

Indexing coverage helps to promote the visibility of indexed titles to global users of the databases. Database users can easily alert themselves to relevant articles in their field of interest, which in turn results in them acquiring the full-text from the original publication source. The journal URL and DOI (where available) are included in the CABI index record for this purpose. Indexed publications are listed in the Serial Cited list on the CABI website, which is updated quarterly.

CABI is a not-for-profit, international treaty organization dedicated to the dissemination of scientific knowledge. It produces two abstract databases in the applied life sciences: CAB Abstracts and Global Health. CABI has a long established reputation of indexing scientific literature, with electronic archives containing records for literature dating back to 1913. The CAB Abstracts and Global Health databases are used by government and international agencies, academic institutions and commercial organizations worldwide to search and identify relevant literature.